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Michael Smolens ● Piano, Voice, Percussion & Improvisation/Theory/Composition

Teaching Experience: I have been teaching privately & group classes, and at universities since 1974, and teaching other freelance teachers since 2000. Also at Sonoma State University, East Bay Center For The Performing Arts, and S.F. & Marin City colleges.  Theory is always integrated with improvising and building efficient technique. Composition & arranging are seen as natural outgrowths of student's creativity, along with listening to a wide variety of new music. 

Teaching Style/Philosophy: "If improvisation is composing in real-time, and composing is finalizing an improvisation, then theory is about explaining the logic of it all.  I cover many different approaches to improvising, as well as composing & arranging."


Lee Waterman / Guitar, Jazz Improvisation, Theory, and Composition


Jesse Levit / Saxophone, Clarinet, Piano & Composition/Theory