Michael Smolens ● Piano, Voice, Percussion & Improvisation/Theory/Composition
Teaching Experience: I have been teaching privately & group classes, and at universities since 1974, and teaching other freelance teachers since 2000. Also at Sonoma State University, East Bay Center For The Performing Arts, and S.F. & Marin City colleges. My specialty is breaking down the steps for learning any aspect of jazz, as opposed to giving out large assignments and assuming that a student can manage that on their own — invariably gaps get addressed and practicing is more rewarding. My other specialty is the ability to accompany students on vocal bass & drum set while coaching them so they internalize skills more quickly.
Teaching Style/Philosophy: "Each student gets their ideal mix of technique, theory/ear-training, & improvisation coaching that avoids overload. State-of-the-art practice tools and outside listening projects are key."