Safe Place to Play: Paul Dresher Ensemble Studio
2381 Poplar St. Oakland
When you sign up for a date and time, we will send you detailed instructions about parking and finding the studio space.
Safety Protocols
Loading In
When entering the building at the 24th St. loading dock ramp: if the roll up door is closed, enter the door code on the keypad by pressing the buttons with a key, pen or other pointed object, or by protecting your hands with a glove or a disposable towel. The door code will be provided to you once you sign up for a date and time.
Masks must be worn anytime one is in or is passing through the common areas of the interior of the building (including the loading dock, bathrooms, front entry, elevator, etc.) and coming into the studio. Once you are situated in the studio itself, masks must be worn by all non-wind instrument players or singers, and must be worn by those instrumentalists when not actively playing.
Hands must be sanitized anytime when entering or reentering the studio, including upon arrival, reentry after using the bathrooms, or any other reason. Hand sanitizing solutions or towels will be provided by PDE.
Distance and Protection
Social distance of a minimum of 6 feet must be maintained between anyone working in the studio at all times. Three shields are available for vocalists, brass or wind players.
Everyone must bring their own water, beverages and food. No reusable/washable cups, plates, or other food prep or service cutlery will be provided. Please bring your own writing implements (pens, pencils, etc.)
Staging and Setup
Each musician should be prepared to handle the unloading, moving, set-up, breakdown, and repacking of their own equipment. We will have a cart on-site that can be used for this, but the handle must be disinfected before and after each use, or gloves worn when using.
All chairs, keyboards, music stands, drum thrones, tables, door handles, mixing console controls (if adjusted), and other high-touch surfaces will be disinfected between rehearsals or work sessions.
The ventilation system, which does produce a modest amount of fan noise, will always be operating unless specifically requested to be turned off for recording or other reason.
Air Circulation
Between sessions, the high-capacity ceiling suction fan will be run for a minimum of 5 minutes to accomplish a nearly complete air exchange of the interior studio air. This system can be turned on any time if requested, but is very loud, so may inhibit rehearsal quality.
Backline and Other Info
Three shields are available for vocalists, brass, and wind players.
Drum set available, please bring your own cymbals.
We have guitar and bass amps, and great PA gear with Meyer Sound speakers.
Let us know if you will need the 9 foot grand piano; it will be disinfected and tuned before the date. A Yamaha Clavinova (CVP-900) is also available.
PPE products are available, including a portable spray/fogger for disinfecting chairs and tables etc, hand sanitizer, masks and wipes.
In the future, we hope to be able to provide audio and video recording services. We will send out more information once this is available.